Saturday, June 16, 2007

Thoughts on blogging - Perhaps I didn't want to get your attention

I have received a comment on my first blog entry and I don't think I like it. Perhaps I'm evoking DNA's rule 3 - & anyway, reading someone's diary is rude, but I did ask for it, I put it out there. This is the reason I don't have a stream of conscience blog, travel pod blog etc etc. It's too embarassing & I wouldn't make any money from it anyway - don't think I have original thoughts. Oscar Wilde believed there were two types of people in the world: the charming and the tedious. It's my belief that too many of the latter are bloggers!

We use Flickr, at home, to send photos to people we know. We produce the boy's soccer blogs but they are different, they're functional, they're newsletters, information dissemination, bit of cookery and match reports. These "blogs" are an easy place to put all the info the soccer parents need to get their kids to soccer on time without multiple emails back, forth & all around.
Rationalizations are wonderful things! I feel better already. Time to put on the Golden soccer boots & float through the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Administration said...

I's much easier to produce a blog (like our soccer one) where there is a focus. I have a work training blog notes from training sessions are accessed. It's easy because there is a aim to the blog. Anyway keep up the good work.