Friday, April 25, 2008

Blogging Thing #5, #6 & #7

Flickr is a great photo sharing tool, we do not live close to most of our family so it is a really easy way to demonstrate how much the grandchildren have grown. The Librarian in me adores the labels, tags and 'cataloguing' possibilities. Although I have often morned the passing of the tactile photograph. Nobody prints digital photos. We even have a Harry-Potter-like picture frame that scrolls through our holiday snaps. 
My favourite mashup is Spell with Flickr and I played with it for far too long but it was fun. Montager was good too but it did take a long time to load AND I really, really like Trip Planner - just need a reason to use it!! Colr Pickr was another one I played with for a long time and found intriguing, not too sure how you use it but it was pretty.

Not being a particularly technically minded person (my eyes completely glaze over when someone merely mentions how many gigabytes are in their hard drive) means that I am so very glad & grateful that computer nerds have come up with all these wonderful tools had the good grace to hide all the ugly technical bits in the underbelly. All these programmes look so pretty and inviting - even the ones I can't use or have no idea what they're used for. I am a big fan of Web 2.0! 

1 comment:

Administration said...

It's great to see you are really enjoying the Web 2.0 tools - they can be so much fun.