Saturday, April 26, 2008

Blogging Thing #8 & #9

Having been a big fan of Bloglines (& MyYahoo earlier) & RSS feeds, ever since Fiona the N.O. Librarian took us through it last year, the #8 exercise was quite easy. I did however take a bit of time in setting up a new account from scratch - that kind of thing stretches the old memory-banks. The second exercise was great and again I wiled away hours looking through all the different types of feeds available. The layout of Technorati and Topix was good and easy to browse around, their search was effective (not much on Australian tax law though!). Syndic8 is sooo ugly and rather cumbersome to navigate, don't think I'll bother with it again. Feedster was broken so I'll look at it later.

The thing I'm mindful of is that you can quickly become overloaded and bogged down in information. Information and time management need to be in synch with these tools. I use Bloglines to view those websites, ABC radio podcasts and blogs I look at most often and there are no more than 10. I couldn't cope with more but I do change my feeds around often and drop the ones that supply more info than I want.

1 comment:

Administration said...

RSS feeds are a great filtering tool and you are taking a good approach in reviewing and changing subscriptions so that you have a manageable supply of news.