Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blogging Thing #10, #11 & #12

Online Generators - I love them. I have been very disciplined and only used one in this post but I could have use many many more. Here is my gem encrusted logo ... and I'm not telling what my favourite insult is or my roller-derby name!!


LibraryThing, well isn't that just one big nerd-fest. Sadly I think I'll be financial member by tomorrow afternoon! A few years ago we were held ransom by software manufacturers for programmes similar to LibraryThing, only not as useful. It's great that internet users have reclaimed it for good and not evil (to quote Googles mission statement). I'm still a little dubious about the "social networking' side of all these tools but then again I'm not a millennial, maybe I'm not supposed to get it. The best part about these Web 2.0 tools is that you only use as much of them as you need.

I made a quick and dirty search roll on Rollyo that works as well as can be expected for piano sheet music, now that so much sheet music is protected (& rightfully so), but for the life of me I can't add the little search box to this blog - I'll keep working on it

PS Looks like my logo is way too big ... in fashion, sometimes less is more

1 comment:

ATO Learning said...

Great to see you are enjoying the web 2.0 tools - picking and choosing what you need. LibraryThing is a fantastic inexpensive tool for libraries and individuals while online generators are just so much fun!