Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blogging Thing #16 & 17

Wiki are so easy to publish to, a bit like blogging really! No html or other mark up language and instantaneous - great improvement on Web 1. The Sandbox is a good name for what it is. I really like the naming conventions in Web 2, they tell it as it is.

As for collaborative website development using a really simple syntax structure wikis look like a fabulous idea for events and conferences - they'd be great for reporting on conferences, adding posts etc. I don't know how successful they would be in there encyclopedic function as we'd need a huge buy in from users. Wikipedia has millions of users but only 1% of those users post or are known as Wikipedian. (I'm proud to know a great Wikipedian of vast historic knowledge - James Hurst posts to History pages from Ancient through the Middle ages to more recent times too.) Perhaps as with most KM tools the buy in has to be monitored through performance and attached to bonuses - who knows. But I believe there will have to be great incentive for users to contribute.

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