Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blogging Thing #18 & #19

Cloud computing is one of my most favourite things. Online apps are great for sharing documents and I use them for sharing docs at the soccer club and for rosters, minutes, agendas and subcommittee reports at the P&C. While I used Zoho in this exercise, my favorite is Google docs. It is admittedly still Beta affected but it's advantages out-weigh the disadvantages. No longer do I end up with 20 versions of the same document/ss emailed to a fro from one person to another; it has streamlined all the voluntary work I do and made it so much simpler to negotiate.

YouTube, iGoogle and Twitter were three that I looked at from the award winning list. YouTube is a lot of fun with lots of wonderful clips that I'm so glad I've been able to view (there are many dodgy ones too but thankfully we can easily avoid them). iGoogle is so wonderful; I use it at work and at home it's my take anywhere desktop. In addition to work & home, I have tabs for the P&C, Music Supporters group and Newmarket Soccer - everything's covered. It's also my way into and google docs; unbelievably convenient and so connected (no matter where I am or what computer I'm on).

... and now the one I don't quite get - Twitter. It's Ok, a bit like sms I suppose but can be a bit creepy. I signed on elected to follow Life and the onion (2 news services I like) and then 2 strange women followed me. Then the next time I logged on Kevin Rudd was following me (weird!). Not sure why the PM wanted to follow me. Anyway I deleted all of them and made myself follow-able by invitation only. I'm going to have to use it more to see if it's something I want to be part of.

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